A Weighted Hypergeometric Sampling Plan

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George H. Winslow - Argonne National Laboratory
A. Lee Harkness - Argonne National Laboratory
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Described is a method of obtaining a weighted sample from two or more populations so that a statistical statement can be made about the total population. The statistical statement desired defines RQL (rejectable quality level) and BQ = 1 - CL (confidence level). The subpopulations might consist of containers of nuclear material, the amount per container being essentially the same for a given subpopulation but different for the different subpopulations. Knowing the amount of material in each subpopulation, total amount of material, M = £M-j_, the number of containers to be included in the sample from each subpopulation is computed from the equation for the hypergeometric distribution with zero acceptance number, with as was chosen for the total population. Kj_, and the$i = BgMi/M and the same RQL
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