Development of Containment and Surveillance Equipment at JAERI for International Safeguards

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Takehiko Mukaiyama - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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C/S equipments have been developed at JAERI for IAEA use. This paper presents the recent developments in the following equipments: • Electronic Verifier of COBRA Seal • • Portal and Penetration Monitor for FCA. The electronic verifier reads and digitizes the seal patterns electronically. Comparisons can be made by calculating correlation coefficients between the digitized patterns, one to be verified and the reference taken when the seal was initially installed. The experimental results obtained with the prototype equipment have demonstrated that the electronic verifier provides a simple and accurate quantitative measures for COBRA seal verification. The compact CCTV system has been designed as a potential replacement of the Twin Minolta of the current IAEA use. It can store 30,000 video pictures for a three month period by battery driving. The novel one-shot 8mm VTR has been developed for this system. The FCA portal and penetration monitor is the comprehensive C/S system and has been developed based on an unattended scheme. The system was completed at the end of 1985. The field trial operation jointly by IAEA, the state and JAERI will be started soon to obtain performance data under the actual conditions of facility operation. Compact CCTV Surveillance System
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