Physical Protection Philosophy and Techniques in Czechoslovakia

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Jan Lukavsky - Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission/CsAEC
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The physical protection in Czechoslovakia/CSSR is understood as one of the basic conditions for the safe utilization of nuclear energy. From this point of view, the physical protection measures are part of the nuclear safety requirements. The Nuclear Safety Law is the basic legal document for the physical protection area. In CSSR a very tight connection between the physical protection system and the State System of Accountancy for and Control of Nuclear Material/SS AC is also established. Combining regulatory activities in the field of nuclear safety, accountancy for and control of nuclear materials and physical protection into one complex system enables the minimization of unauthorized removal of nuclear material. This minimizes the possibility of sabotage and also implemeitts effective protection against both inside and external threats. The physical protection is a very important complementary measure to the other ones which assure low risks from the technical and human failures.
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