Material Accountancy in the Triple Tank Systems of the Wackersdorf Reprocessing Plant

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Rudolf Avenhaus - Hochschule der Bundeswehr Munchen
M. J. Canty - Kernforschungsanlage Julich
E. Leitner - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen mbH
R Weh - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen mbH
H.-J. Hein - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen mbH
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A characteristic of the process flow sheet of the Wackersdorf plant is the serial arrangement of (usually) three tanks for the decoupling of major process stages. The contents of the middle tank are measured, while the content of the other two must be inferred. The operations, measurements, and extrapolations are described and analyzed for ideal and more realistic operating conditions. The analysis shows that reasonable values for the in-process inventory should be obtained in either case.
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