Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Is It a Safe Place for Isolation of High-level Radioactive Waste?

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Carl P. Gertz - U.S. Department of Energy
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As mandated by Congress in the amended Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Yucca Mountain, Nevada is currently being studied by the U.S. Department of Energy to determine if it is a suitable location for the nation's first geologic repository for disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. While the site has attributes that suggest it may be suitable, DOE must spend the next five to seven years and up to $2 billion to find out if the site would be able to isolate radioactive materials for 10,000 years. Site characterization studies are being conducted to determine the geologic, hydrologic and environmental characteristics of the Yucca Mountain site. The DOE is planning to start construction of an underground laboratory in 1989 and to implement an extensive surface-based study program. The next five to seven years of study will determine if Yucca Mountain can meet regulations for waste isolation and qualify for a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license for repository construction and operation.
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