SARP: A Safeguards Accounting and Reports Program

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C. Ruth Kempf - Brookhaven National Laboratory
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V-20_1.pdf3.27 MB
Under POT AS Task D.80, "Development of a Computerized System to Satisfy Safeguards Record and Reporting Requirements in Member States with Small to Medium Nuclear Activity," the Technical Support Organization (TSO) of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has produced a computer code which will maintain and generate at-facility safeguards accounting records and generate International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards reports based on accounting data input by the user at a Power Reactor Facility. The code is based on a State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material (SSAC) for light-water-moderated, off load refueled power reactor facilities. Database structure is suited to this type of computerized system, and dBaseIII+ programming language has been used, compiled with Clipper. The program is designed to be user-friendly, to make extensive use of menus and graphics and to run on an IBM PC (or compatible) with color monitor.
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V-20_4.pdf4.28 MB