Estimating Shipper/Receiver Measurement Error Variances by Use of ANOVA

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Brian M. Lanning - Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc.
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V-21_2.pdf5.14 MB
Every measurement made on nuclear material items is subject to measurement errors which are inherent variations in the measurement process that cause the measured value to differ from the "true " value. In practice, it is important to know the variance (or standard deviation) in these measurement errors, because this indicates the precision in reported results. If a nuclear material facility is generating "paired" data (e.g., shipper/receiver) where party 1 and party 2 each make independent measurements on the same items, the measurement error variance associated with both parties can be extracted. This paper presents a straightforward method for the use of standard statistical computer packages, with analysis of variance (ANOVA), to obtain valid estimates of measurement variances. Also, with the help of the P-value, significant biases between the two parties can be directly detected without reference to an F-table.
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