International Certified and SI Traceable: The Ultimate Aim for Reference Materials

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Roger Wellum - JRC-IRMM
James Tushingham - AEA Technology Harwell
Margaret E.M. Tolbert - New Brunswick Laboratory
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A special session was included during the INMM Annual Meeting about "International Certified and SI Traceable: The Ultimate Aim for Reference Materials." The morning session included the presentation of seven papers on the preparation and certification of reference materials. The complementary afternoon session then took the form of a panel discussion involving the speakers and audience. A lively discussion session was chaired by M.E.M. Tolbert of the New Brunswick Laboratory and moderated by R. Wellum of the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements. Areas of both common concern and differences among laboratories in their perception of the requirements and applications of reference materials were highlighted in the discussion. The subjects are summarized here, under the subject headings debated during the session.
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