Shielding Test of a Model for FBR Irradiation Fuel Transport Cask

A. Ohashi - Ship Research Institute, Japan
K. Ueki - Ship Research Institute, Japan
I. Iyori - Ship Research Institute, Japan
S. Uruwashi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
S. Iwanaga - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
S. Takahashi - Atom Transport Service Ltd.
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A prototype FBR (Fast Breeder Reactor), MONJU, has been constructed by Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation in Tsuruga, Japan. The Corporation is going to perform the post-irradiationexperiment of the FBR fuel assembly after the criticality. To do this experiment, the fuels have to be transported by a shipping vessel from the site to the O•arai Technical Center in lbaraki prefecture, Japan. In order to take safety examinations of the cask used in the post-irradiation-experiment of the fuels (called PIE cask) by the competent authorities, the corporation made a half scale model of the PIE cask. The tests that were required by the safety transport regulations (tests for shielding, drop, fire, etc.) were performed to derive basic data for safety analysis. The present work reports a part of the test, neutron and gamma-ray shielding experiments and their analyses. In the experiments, the locations of a source and a detector were changed to obtain the dose distribution around the half scale model. And the same states as in the experiments were analyzed by the use of Monte Carlo codes.