Transport System for Low Level Radioactive Wastes in Japan

K. Tanaka - Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.,Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan
K. Yoshida - Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.,Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan
T. Sanui - Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.,Ltd., Japan
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Low level radioactive wastes (LLW) arising from domestic nuclear power stations have been loaded into dntms and temporarily stored at the power station site, and the cumulative number of stored drums now reaches about 500,000. A burial facility for the ftnal disposal of such LLW is now being coostntcted in Rokkasho-Mura, Aomori Prefecture by Japan Nuclear Fuel limited (JNFL) and the facility will commence operation in December 1992. Nuclear Fuel Transport Co., Ltd.(NFT) will assume the responsibility for LLW transport from power stations through to the burial facility. For the time being, LL W to be transported will be mixture of liquid wastes/sludge and cement/asphalt and these will be solidified uniformly in the drums of standard size. Transport volume is expected to be 25,000 drums per year. As all of the nuclear power stations are located along coast lines in Japan, the transport will be mainly by sea, then to be followed by short land transport. Mass LL W transport is the first attempt in Japan. Therefore, the latest technology from the viewpoint of equipment and operation will be adapted as far as possible to make the complete preparation for the transport and to enhance safety and confidence.