A Decade of Successful Domestic Sea Transports of Radioactive Waste in Sweden 1982-1992

Peter Dybeck - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, SKB
Bo Gustafsson - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, SKB
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In november 1982 the purpose built ship MIS Sigyn was launched at a shipyard in France.This occasion was the starting point for a successful decade of transports of spent fuel and radiative waste in Sweden. Up to now (september 1992) 9792 m3 of reactor waste has been transported to the fmal repository for low and intermediate level waste , SFR, and 1600 tonnes of spent fuel to the intermediate storage facility for spent fuel, CLAB. The transports have been performed using a sea transportation system where the ship MIS Sigyn is an important and the most well known part. During an average year about 250 tonnes of spent fuel and 2-3000 m3 of reactor waste are transported to CLAB and SFR respectively, corresponding to around 30 sea voyages with the ship.