Demonstration Test for Transporting Vitrified High-Level Radiooctive Waste* - 0.3m Free-Drop Test

C. Ito - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
O. Kato - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Y. Kato - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
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The object of this demonstration test program is to ensure safe transport of vitrified highlevel radioactive wastes resulting from the reprocessing plants of cx:x.J.EMA at La Hague and of BNFL at Sellafield, and which will be returned to Japan according to the contracts signed by the reprocessors with Japanese utilities. A test cask for shipping high -level radioactive wastes was designed and fabricated [ Tamaki et al ] . The cask was then subjected to the series of tests stipulated by the IAEA regulation. This paper describes the results of a 0.3m free- drop test and simulation analysis by FEM analysis.