Integration of Finite-Element Analysis and Numerical Optimization Techniques for RAM Transport Package Design·

D. C. Harding - Sandia National Laboratories
M.S. Eldred - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
W.R. Witkowski - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
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Type B radioactive material transport packages must meet strict Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations specified in 10 CFR 71. Type B containers include impact limiters, radiation or thennal shielding layers, and one or more containment vessels. In the past, each component was typically designed separately based on its driving constraint and the expertise of the designer. The components were subsequently assembled and the design modified iteratively until all of the design criteria were met. This approach neglects the fact that components may serve secondary purposes as well as primary ones. For example, an impact limiter's primary purpose is to act as an energy absorber and protect the contents of the package, but can also act as a heat dissipater or insulator. Designing the component to maximize its perfonnance with respect to both objectives can be accomplished using numerical optimization techniques.