M. Elizabeth Darrough, Ph.D - United States Enrichment Corporation
T. Neider - Transnuclear, Inc. USA
A. Giantelli - Transnuclear, Inc. USA
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A teSting program, supported by an international group of owners of the model 21 PF- 1 protective overpacks, was held in 1996 as part of a recertification effort for these pack.agings. The OOT-21PF-I and the NCI-21PF-I overpacks are used thro~hout the world to ship uranium hexaflouride (UF6). In recent years, the shipping packages, consisting of a model 30B cylinder within a protective overpack., carne under intense scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This was a result of changes that had been made in the foam fonnulation used for fire protection of these overpacks. Subsequent testing indicated that, at certain orientations, the overpacks may not adequately protect the cylinder valve from the 30 foot (9 meter) drop and puncture testing required by the regulations, I 0 CFR Part 71. In 1995, the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) agreed to design a valve protection device (VPD) to provide additional protection during the drop test sequence. The VPD fits over and around the valve within the skirt of the 30B cylinder. USEC initiated the fonnation of an international consortium of overpack owners who collaborated in funding the development, testing, and recertification effort. This group represented the entire UF6 industry, with participating companies from France, Gemany, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, they worked toward a common solution to keep these overpacks - over 75% of the worldwide inventory - in service.