A Near Real-Time Nuclear Materials safeguards System for a Research and Development Environment

Larry M. Gray - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
C.W. Benson - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OASIS provides a near real-time nuclear materials safeguards and accountability control system for a research and development (R&D) environment. The system, utilizing a DEC 11/34 computer, began initial operation in April, 1980 and is designed to meet the current needs and is adaptable to provide for future requirements of the evolving and expanding nuclear materials safeguards programs. Maximum benefits have been attained by designing the system to users' needs. Also, ease of use and versatility of system functions were of prime importance. A unified nuclear materials data base is an efficient source for all required nuclear materials data reporting to the NMMSS, accountability, materials management, criticality safety, and physical security. OASIS functions well in the ORNL R&D environment which requires unusual flexibility and versatility due to the large number of types, enrichments, quantities, composition, and users of nuclear materials.