Item Monitoring at Nuclear Fuel Services

Terry W. Lewis - Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc.
Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) of Erwin, Tennessee is the developer of innovative loss detection techniques for Strategic Special Nuclear Material (SSNM). Through the development of custom computer software, NFS meets the regulatory goals of improved SSNM loss detection, of improved timeliness of SSNM information retrieval, and of enhanced SSNM loss localization. These loss detection element enhancements were in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Reform Amendment. NRC licensee facilities are required to comply with this regulation if the facility possesses formula quantities of SSNM. The Reform Amendment regulation in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 74, Subpart E provides performance criteria for the timely monitoring of in-process inventory and of discrete items with the goal to detect any anomalies potentially indicative of material losses. As a result of NFS' efforts to develop a successful Item Monitoring Program, the company has achieved improved loss detection capabilities for its discrete items. This document will present a general description of the Item Monitoring Program used at Nuclear Fuel Services.