IAEA Action Team Information Processing

D. Tolchenkov - International Atomic Energy Agency
In implementing inspection activities in Iraq the IAEA Action Team collected a massive volume of information on Iraqi nuclear and nuclear-related activities, sites, facilities, material and equipment which were involved in Iraq's nuclear programme. At present the Action Team is starting the implementation of the Ongoing Monitoring and Verification Plan (OMV) which was designed to monitor Iraq's continued compliance with the provisions of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. The main task of the Action Team's information treatment is the timely processing of data collected and generated in the course of the inspection activities in Iraq in order to facilitate conclusions on the Iraqi compliance. The following main categories of information are processed by the Action Team: a) Iraqi declarations on facilities, installations and sites; inventories of nuclear and non-nuclear material, equipment and isotopes, and related imports and exports. b) inspection reports and data obtained in the course of the monitoring and verification activities; c) other relevant information, e.g., information obtained from the Member States on Iraqi nuclear and nuclear-related activities, and from open source publications.