An Interactive Videodisc System for Training

Jerry J. Cadwell - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Classification (DOE/DC), Brookhaven National Laboratory/Technical Support Organization (BNL/TSO) has prepared a level-three interactive-laserdisc program for the training of authorized classifiers in the Department of Energy. This training program consists of six modules presented in several formats. The material is presented in a highly interactive manner with various tests to reinforce and evaluate the trainee's progress in learning the material. A lengthy qualification test is presented at the end of the educational material. The various instructional techniques of scenario presentation, \"talking heads\", graphics, textual material and combinations of the above are used to assure that the training material attracts the trainee's interests and motivates him to undei— stand and use the material. The state-of-the-art interactive laser videodisc with its storage capacity, speed flexibility, and superior training capacity was the logical choice for the training of Authorized Classifiers in the Department of Energy.