A Video Scene and Lighting Simulation Tool

David A. Smith - EG&G Energy Measurements, Inc.
Given the increased speed and reduced cost of personal computers, more powerful methods to assist designers of physical security systems are now feasible. A program combining the best features of both a lighting design layout tool and a simple scene simulation tool could provide designers with greatly enhanced flexibility and capability. This paper proposes using a raytracing program to accomplish these goals. A database of luminaire photometric information, based on industry standard data files from luminaire manufacturers, could be incorporated into the program. By this means, real illumination distributions would be available for use in calculations for exterior applications, obviating the need to rely on an assumed uniform point source. These luminaires would be treated as point sources with unique distributions. The camera's view of the site would be readily maneuverable, thus making it easily adaptable to a variety of design requirements. The program would be written for a DOS personal computer. The language of preference would be C. The multiple advantages of this program over existing single-purpose tools could be expected to result in significant reductions in design-site costs.