L. A. Goldman - Science Applications International Corporation
J. W. James - Science Applications International Corporation
S. P. Finn - Science Applications International Corporation
C. E. Higgins - Science Applications International Corporation
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) has developed a methodology which can be applied to nuclear power reactors to provide protection against vehicle bomb threats (NUREG/CR-5246, Ref. 1). This methodology provides a structured framework for contingency planning for a vehicle bomb threat that includes: 1) identification of the system options available to establish and maintain safe shutdown; 2) identification of structures or locations containing components and equipment associated with each system option; 3) determination of \"survivability envelopes\" for system options using the BombCAD program discussed below; 4) determination of probable vehicle bomb approach paths; 5) identification of measures to limit vehicle access/approach; and 6) preparation of contingency plans to protect preferred system options from vehicle bomb attack.The BombCAD program that is used to calculate the survivability envelopes was developed as a joint venture of the Everett I. Brown Company (Architects and Engineers) and LORRON CORPORATION (Bomb Specialists). BombCAD is comprised of four interrelated software elements: 1) facility geometry, 2) incidental structural components, 3) location and description of primary (load bearing) structural elements, and 4) site data such as topography, landscaping, and roads. The design data base is a typical architectural CAD data base designed to generate facility data such as site plans, floor plans, elevation drawings, and the like. With BombCAD, facility vulnerabilities can be graphically displayed and the analytical estimate of the effectiveness of proposed countermeasures verified.