Denis Aubin - Hydro-Qufibec
During the construction phase of Gentilly-2 (1978), Hydro-Quebec the owner/operator, and AECB (Canadian Atomic Energy Control Board) came to an agreement by which AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd) acting as consultant, would use the plant as a demonstration module for a CANDU safeguards scheme under development in concert with the IAEA. This paper describes the safeguards scheme in place today at Gentilly-2: accountancy verification supported by surveillance (video & film), spent discharged bundle counters and spent fuel containment (ARC Seals). After impact studies of safeguards on the operation of the station, it was decided to integrate safeguards related activities into the existing Nuclear Materials Management System. The resulting integrated system covers all activities related to the complete fuel cycle. It meets the needs and requirements of all parties involved with nuclear materials, as well as IAEA Safeguards. The system is operated by a single personnel unit at reactor site through a network of both on and off site computer links. It is a highly accurate system, the quantity of manual data inputed into the system being practically nil.