Security System Engineering in the Design of High Technology Systems

Donald G. Bruckner - Holmes & Narver, Inc.
ABSTRACT This paper is based on the practical application of Security System Engineering (SSE) during conceptualization, design and building. It is based on the unique application of SSE following the prescription of Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DOD) regulations and directives to specific high technology systems. These systems require the active application of SSE from the initiation of a project through introduction of the system into the inventory. Basic to this approach is a partnership among the system's user (military, DOE, industry, etc.) the designing organization, and the SSE engineers. This paper discusses the process and active interaction of SSE with the brass, management and the designers. It requires that SSE engineers understand and have experience in the technical disciplines involved in design as well as the practical way that security can be designed into each component. Our team is working with the major contractors and many of the subcontracting design teams on a daily basis to use the inherent features that make each component, subsystem or system functional, to also accomplish a needed or desired security function. The resultant overall high technology system then will have embedded inherent security features without compromising or diminishing overall system effectiveness.