A Measurement Control Program for Plutonium Isotopic Gamma-ray Systems at the Rocky Flats Plant

J. G. Fleissner - Rockwell International
A sound measurement control (MC) program should be an Integral part of every nondestructive assay measurement system used for the assay of special nuclear materials. This paper will describe a measurement control program for plutonium isotopic composition measurements, using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, that has been implemented in the Analytical Laboratories and the Chemistry Standards Laboratory at the Rocky Flats Plant. This MC program emphasizes the standardization of data collection procedures along with the implementation of internal and external measurement control checks to provide the requisite measurement quality assurance. Utilization of these MC checks has been made transparent to the user by software embedded in the isotopic analysis code GRPAUT. This MC software provides a real time MC response through a hardcopy printout with each isotopic analysis that advises the user as to whether that measurement was in control or not. Measurement control data to assess long-term performance are provided through the use of MC history files. These history files are also maintained on each measurement system by the isotopic. analysis software. Currently, about 1,500 to 2,000 analyses per month are being tracked by this plutonium isotopic measurement control system.