W.F. Hensley - U.S. Department of Energy
W.B. Lehman - U.S. Department of Energy
K.O. Goodey - Westinghouse Hanford Company
Site Safeguards and Security Plans are an extension of the U.S. Department of Energy Master Safeguards and Security Agreement program, which has been in existence since 1985. Responsibilities and authorities for development of Site Safeguards and Security Plans and Master Safeguards and Security Agreements are provided by U.S. Department of Energy Orders 5630.11, 5630.13 and 5630.14. Guidancefor preparation of Master Safeguards and Security Agreements and Site Safeguards and Security Plans is provided by these Orders, a Preparation Guide, training sessions, and workshops. Under the Master Safeguards and Security Agreement program, a \"contract\" is established between U.S. Department of Energy-Headquarters and each U.S. Department of Energy regional Operations Office regarding protection strategies, protection system performance, and acceptability of risks for safeguards and security interests at a facility or site. Under the Site Safeguards and Security Plan program, Master Safeguards and Security Agreements are exercised as a driving element for overall safeguards and security planning, applying their concise summarization of existing and prospective changes to safeguards and security operations and systems. A completed Site Safeguards and Security Plan replaces several planning documents previously required, i.e., Master Plan and Site Plans. Several changes in document format and content are introduced by the transition from Master Safeguards and Security Agreements to Site Safeguards and Security Plans. These include the reduction of Master Safeguards and Security Agreements from an unspecified length (incorporating descriptive material as well as performance results) to a 10 to 11 page short-form and the collection of all Master Safeguards and Security Agreements for a site into one volume of a three-volume Site Safeguards and Security Plans. The other two volumes contain summary information describing safeguards and security systems and procedures. They also identify the financial and manpower resources required to operate them The transition to Site Safeguards and Security Plans is well underway and has two major phases: completion of all Master Safeguards and Security Agreements within fiscal year 1990 and completion of Site Safeguards and Security Plans within fiscal year 1991.