Khlopin Radium Institute In The Field Of Development Of The Nuclear Reference Materials For Safeguards Purposes

S.A. Nikitina - Khlopin Radium Institute
M.V. Pen'kin - Khlopin Radium Institute
The use of reference materials (RM) is one of the most important constituents of the analysis quality control system for the Safeguards purposes. Being one of the analytical laboratories of the IAEA network, V.G Khlopin Radium Institute (KRI) participates actively in the provision of the IARA with both simple and mixed multi-isotope spikes and reference materials. Radium Institute has reliable equipment and methodic basis necessary to carry our certification of RM on a high-accuracy level. Spectrophotometry with internal standardization is a relatively new method developed at the KRI. For the assurance of measurement traceability and equipment calibration, both national an IAEA-used standard samples are applied at the KRI.