Compliance Inspections by the European Competent Authorities on the Transport of Radioactive Material - Technical Guide issued by the European Association of Competent Authorities for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (EurACA)

Guy Lourtie - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control
Steve Whittingham - ONR, UK
Jarlath Duffy - RPII, Ireland
Fernando Zamora - CSN, Spain
Manuel García Leiva - CSN, Spain
Santtu Hellsten - STUK, Finland
Colette Clémenté - ASN, France
Julie Krochmaluk - ASN, France
Xavier KNEMP - IRSN, France
Christel Fasten - BfS, Germany
Oliver Kosbadt - UM BWL, Germany
Michael Wallin - SSM, Sweden
Frank Koch - ENSI, Switzerland
Steffen Komann - BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
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After a first technical guide “Package Design Safety Reports for the Transport of Radioactive Material” published in June 2008, the European Competent Authorities and their support organizations (members from EACA) have decided to issue a second technical guide entitled “Compliance Inspections by the European Competent Authorities on the Transport of Radioactive Material”. The EACA Association provides a forum and a network to exchange information obtained from the compliance inspections described in this document. The adoption of this guidance by the EACA members will enable each Member State to understand which en-route compliance checks are being carried out by other States so that duplication of work can be avoided and each Member State can identify which additional inspections should be carried out to cover any gaps in knowledge about the duty holder or the package being transported. This Technical Guide is intended: - To support the competent authorities in developing and implementing their compliance assurance programmes, including audits and inspections; - To provide the competent authorities with a harmonised approach to perform their compliance audits and inspections. This paper presents the content of the Technical Guide and some examples or experience in the initial use of the document (checklist) during compliance audits or inspections performed by some competent authorities.