Synopsis of Summary Findings of Integrated Process Analyses Studies on Mixed Low-Level and Transuranic Wastes

Gary D. Knight - U.S. Department of Energy
Carl R. Cooley - U.S Department of Energy
This is an update of a paper (“Processing and Disposing of DOE Mixed Low-Level Wastes by the Systems Approach”) delivered at the 1997 INMM Annual Meeting. The Office of Science and Technology of the Office of Environmental Management of the U.S. Department of Energy com- missioned a series of integrated systems engineering studies comparing widely varying thermal and nonthermal technologies designed to treat and dispose of a uniform set of DOE mixed low-level and transuranic wastes on a cradle-to-grave basis. The studies enable federal site decision makers to have a uniform comparison of the cost and performance of integrated systems. The first study examined traditional thermal treatment systems and incinerators, the second examined more advanced and innovative thermal treatment systems, and the third examined nonthermal treat- ment systems. Costs and performance are compared and analyzed, including the factors that most greatly affect costs: type of treatment, final waste volume including waste loading, system availabil- ity (reliability), delisting of wastes under RCRA, packaging and unit disposal costs. Cost saving opportunities and performance parameters are presented.