Nuclear Fissile Material Control and Accounting System at the Fuel Elements and Assemblies Fabrication Plant, Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, Novosibirsk , Russia

George Michael Fuller - Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
Alexander Ustugov - Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant
The paper presents the material balance flow chart for fissile nuclear materials (FNM) at the plant. The following Material Balance Areas are described: Central Storage, Workshop Storage, and Technological Processing. The flow chart for fabrication of fuel elements and assemblies is described in detail for VVER-100 reactor with U-235 enrichment up to 4.5%. Starting material for this process is uranium oxide pellets. The flow cart for processing research reactor FNM in enrichments greater than 20% is also discussed. The starting material for this process is uranium hexachloride. Five principles of FNM accountability are considered and explained. The paper presents specific features of the FNM control procedures for different balance areas. The function of the following related control departments are described, including the Quality Control and Special Bookkeeping Departments. Methods used in the accountability process are described in detail. The paper presents methods used in the annual physical inventory procedure, including goals of the inventory and forms for filing in the results. The paper is illustrated with five charts and three text posters.