Status of the Greater-than-Class C Waste Management Program

Robert G. Hanson - Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
The Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for disposal of Greater-than-Class C (GTCC) waste including that generated by the dismantling of commercial nuclear power reactors. However, DOE has not identified disposal options for GTCC waste. The GTCC waste generator is responsible for management of the waste, including interim storage, until such time as DOE takes title for the waste for the purpose of disposal. Several facilities have been shutdown and are in various stages of the D&D process. Utilities are planning for the management of GTCC waste that will be generated from the dismantling of the reactor. Planning will address the characterization of waste, determination of the actual GTCC inventory, packaging of the waste and interim storage of the waste packages onsite or elsewhere. Careful characterization to minimize the volume of GTCC waste is essential based on the expected high cost for disposal of the waste type and the current uncertainty regarding disposal options for GTCC. A presentation of potential options for GTCC waste management that are being considered by DOE is provided in this paper. The DOE has a GTCC Waste Management Program through which DOE is working toward resolution of issues regarding GTCC waste management. DOE provides the program is in response to mandated responsibility for disposal of GTCC waste.