The role of International Nuclear Services in Global Threat Reduction

Matt Fox - International Nuclear Services Risley United Kingdom
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As the world leader in the maritime transport of specialist nuclear cargos, International Nuclear Services (INS) is a true global player, helping to make the world a safer place. Working with overseas customers, INS has a vital role to play in transporting nuclear material to the United States of America (USA) in support of their Department of Energy programme known as the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI). This paper examines the work INS has successfully completed in the safe and secure transport of GTRI related materials, including the recent transport of separated plutonium from Sweden to the USA and the transport of Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) from the UK to Germany. It will discuss the ways in which INS and its subsidiary, Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited (PNTL), integrates the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirements of safety and security and works with key partners such as the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) and with other key stakeholders including UK / overseas regulators, in order to ensure strict compliance with both domestic and international regulations. Finally, the paper will cover the specialist transport assets and capabilities the company has in place to truly deliver Category I, II and III shipments for its customers and reduce the overall nuclear threat.