Generic Physical Protection Logic Trees

William K. Paulus - Sandia National Laboratories
Christopher E. Olson - Sandia National Laboratories
L.E. Woellhart - Sandia National Laboratory
he problem of evaluating the performance of a physical protection system occurs at several points in the life cycle of such a system, and its solution must meet any one of several objectives, depending upon the context. For example, performance evaluations are a necessary step in system design, as well as in assessing the performance of an operational system. The development of improved security procedures or tactics, the establishment of performance goals for component R&D, and the decision making involved in the licensing process are three more examples where performance evaluation is required. It is not surprising, therefore, that a number of different system evaluation techniques have been developed to address this range of needs. The work described in this paper was supported by DOE/OSS and DOE/OMA.