Sensativity Analysis of a Gas Flow Calorimetry System (U)

John Crawford - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Jerry Meitin - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
At the Savannah River Site (SRS) a new gas ( t r i t i u m ) processing facility uses hydride beds for storage of large quantities of gas. Unloading of these hydride beds for periodic inventories is not practical because of long loading and unloading ( absorption/desorption) times and difficulty in removing residual heels from the beds. The technique chosen for these m e a s u r e m e n t s is based on measuring the temperature rise from a known mass of gas flowing over the beds. The measurement of mass flow and temperature rise are the key parameters in establishing the reliability of the method. The facility installed process grade mass flow controllers on all of the beds. A measurement sensitivity study was performed to assess the effects of flow measurement, temperature, calibration, and modeling error on the quality of the overall measurement. The results of this study and future work needed to more fully understand this measurement process are presented in this paper.