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AREVA is involved in all sectors of the nuclear industry and has strategically organized its assets in order to provide nuclear power reactors with integrated services. As such, AREVA has recognized that the transport activity must be fully integrated into the offer for delivered products and services. Consequently, stringent quality requirements applying to products, services and management equally apply to transport activities. Transport and logistics are considered to be vital links between the various steps in the nuclear fuel cycle serving the nuclear power fleet, i.e. from mining, conversion, enrichment, fuel fabrication, fuel management and recycling to ultimate waste management. Yet, transport -- being an international activity, media sensitive, including multi-disciplinary operations and expertise, and performed within the public domain -- is also considered to be one of the industry’s most sensitive activities. In this context, AREVA has developed, deployed and promoted Transport Risk Management (TRM®) practices since 2006. After a first deployment phase at the European level, TRM® has been extended to all AREVA transport activities since 2010. Currently, it is fully deployed not only in Europe, but also worldwide from the USA to Africa and Asia. This paper will begin with a reminder of the subject presented at PATRAM 2010, presenting briefly the pillars of the AREVA TRM® Initiative and showing how it is used on a daily basis to conduct operational and strategic transport-related decisions. Then, this paper will review the experience gained over the last three years and will highlight success stories AREVA has achieved worldwide through TRM® implementation. It will demonstrate, relying on quantitative figures and several examples, how TRM® has increased safety, security and overall performance in transport activities. Based on feedback from recent exchanges within the nuclear industry regarding TRM®, it will also demonstrate how TRM® practices benefit not only AREVA, but also the nuclear industry as a whole. TRM® Initiative leads to the identification and support of best practices which are of interest for developing industrial standards that can be promoted worldwide for the benefit of all nuclear transport activities and stakeholders.