Gheorghe VIERU, PhD - Senior Nuclear Scientific Research Worker AREN-Romanian Nuclear Energy Association
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Amid growing international awareness of the threat of malicious acts involving nuclear materials, it is the responsibility of governments to ensure that nuclear and other radioactive material and their associated facilities and activities, are managed safely and properly protected by well-trained expert staff. Rapid technological change increases the need for experts with stateof-the-art knowledge. The problem of security and physical protection of nuclear facilities, the security of radioactive sources, as well as the security in transport of radioactive material (RAM) have to be approached as an integrated system to protect against potential malicious acts. The IAEA Vienna underlined that: \"Strengthening nuclear security throughout the world remains a challenge for all of us\". Taken into consideration the above statement, an enhanced nuclear security culture will provide a much greater assurance that an integrated nuclear system will fulfill its main functions: to detect, to delay and responding to potential theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer of other malicious acts involving RAM and the associated nuclear facilities. The paper present some consideration on the enhancement of nuclear security measures of the Romanian nuclear facilities, security aspects taken during transportation of RAM, the vulnerabilities. This paper presents certain results, by courtesy of the IAEA, coming from a Scientific Research Contract, ended in 2012, on The State Management of Nuclear Security Regime (Framework) where the author was the Chief Scientific Investigator.