The Generic Review Stateion \"More\": Design and Evaluation

J. Whichello - International Atomic Energy Agency
B. Richter - Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
K. J. Gaertner - International Atomic Energy Agency
G. Neuman - Beratungsburo fur Elektronische und Physikalische Technik
The Multi-system Optical Review Station (MORE) is designed to reduce the inspector's effort for the review of video tapes recorded with different safeguards optical surveillance systems. These include the one-channel systems, MIVS and COSMOS, as well as the multi-channel systems, MOS and MUX. The operation of MORE is easy and can be performed by the inspector with minimal training. The MORE design concept is modular and based on a stand-alone video motion detector for data reduction by identifying scenes with partial or total scene change and storing them on a hard disk for safeguards review. A PC serves as the user platform. The system is transportable. The technical review and data reduction takes place in unattended mode, whereas the safeguards review is performed by the inspector. During a four week campaign a prototype system was evaluated at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in October/November 1992. Although some of the user requirements had not been met by the end of the evaluation period, its capabilities for all relevant surveillance video systems were adequately demonstrated with favourable results. For field implementation of the MORE the Agency requested the finalization of the development within the shortest time possible.