Development Of Performance Tests For An Automated MC&A System

K.R. Byers - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Riley D. Carver - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
B.W. Smith - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
K. D. Kok - Battelle Columbus Division
R. W. Klingensmith - Battelle Columbus Division
Performance tests of MC&A systems using computers are described, and some example scenarios are discussed. Facility personnel or an external inspection group may use performance tests to evaluate MC&A capabilities under actual operating conditions. This paper addresses test elements common to both user groups. Performance tests consist of scenario development, security and safety measures, conduct, and evaluation. Because exercises often test scenarios against which the MC&A system is protect- ing, they may require additional security and safety measures. Computer systems enhance MC&A by providing greater speed, increased precision, and automated checks. Performance tests for MC&A systems using computers differ from performance tests employing manual data systems in that the scenarios must anticipate computer actions rather than utilize controllers to adjust the scenario.