Material control and Accounting Self-Test program Design

K.R. Byers - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R.F. Eggers - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R.L. Wilson - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
A controversial but potentially beneficial MC&A strategy that has not been widely attempted in the past is Self-Test. In this strategy a processor of Strategic Special Nuclear Material (SSNM) devises a program of internally administered tests to determine if the MC&A system performs in a reliable, expedient manner in the face of a simulated loss or compromise. Self-Test procedures would include, for example, the actual removal of SSNM from process equipment in order to determine whether the MC&A system will detect the simulated theft. In addition, the Self-Test Program would devise and conduct tests to determine how well the MC&A system and its various components can defend against collusion by adversaries inside the plant. For example, tests would include attempts to falsify input data to the MC&A system and attempts to replace authentic SSNM items with substitute items containing non-SSNM material. Self-Test programs have several potential problems. However, an approach with the potential for solving many of these problems has been devised. The overall program includes two components: 1) the Self-Test Labaoratory program, and 2) the On-Line Selft-Test Program. The nature of Self-Test and these programs designed to facilitate its implementation are discussed below.