Technical Considerations for Implementation of LANMAS as a Replacement for a Mainframe/Legacy Accountability System

Rick Wyant - Wyant Data Systems Inc.
Scott Lee - Wyant Data Systems
In 1993, the U. S. Department of Energy authorized development of a nuclear materials accounting system using the client/server methodology (Local Area Network Material Accounting System [LANMAS]). The objective was to establish a standard accounting engine for use at DOE sites. In 1997, development responsibility was assigned to the Savannah River Site (SRS). After the execution of a structured plan to assess its applicability, LANMAS was selected for implementation at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS). Use of LANMAS at RFETS will require replacement of the existing mainframe/legacy nuclear materials accountability system. Successful conversion from mainframe to client/server technology requires several technical considerations to be addressed, including use of a structured system model, functionality analysis, data analysis, and an implementation planning process. In addition, development of ancillary capability is typically required since the standard accounting engine will not replace all functions performed by the existing system. This paper describes the RFETS experience in identifying and addressing the key technical considerations required for successful implementation of LANMAS. The paper discusses the important elements of an effective implementation strategy and plan.