Use of Operator-provided, Installed C/S Equipment in IAEA Safeguards

K. Gaertner - InternationalAtomic Energy Agency
E. Yellin - International Atomic Energy Agency
T. Shea - International Atomic Energy Agency
Increasingly, the IAEA is asked to apply safeguards at facilities which are more complex, handle far greater amounts of highstrategic value nuclear material, and operate under remote and automated controls. At the same time, the Agency is expected to apply its safeguards in a manner consistent with States' requests to reduce radiation exposure levels to plant operating staff and inspectors. These conditions result in restrictions on inspector access to materials for verification by \"traditional\" means, particularly for reprocessing plants, MOX fuel fabrication facilities, fast reactors and fast critical assemblies. Very often, these facilities require an innovative safeguards approach and standard \"off-theshelf\" IAEA C/S equipment is simply not suitable for the integrated functions required.