Experience of NDA Method for Verification of Recycled Uranium in Domestic Inspection Field

Ryosuke Kurokawa - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Y. Hirato - Safeguards Analytical Laboratory, Nuclear Material Control Center
Makoto Skaguchi - Safeguards Analytical Laboratory
In safeguards verification activities, PMCN (Portable Multichannel Analyzer with Nal detector) is widely used for the NDA tests at the inspection sites to measure the enrichments of uranium sample. With the features of low price, liquid nitrogen free and easy handing. PMCN is the main NDA equipment. However, applying recycled uranium, it becomes rather difficult to obtain the comparable performance with that obtained by applying the non-irradiated uranium. Owing to the influence of gamma ray emission, close to the monitoring energy from the recycled one, the better resolution of detector was required. PMCG (with Ge detector) was selected to solve the problem and was proofed to have the enough resolution to apply to the measurement of recycled uranium.