Roland VanDaele - Directorate of Euratom Safeguards
William K. Rector - U. S. Department of Energy Central Training Academy
The one basic requirement which all educators and trainers agree upon as the basis for training is the need. A training need may be described as existing anytime an actual condition differs from a desired condition. In other words, when an employee fails to perform a task according to that person's job description, a training need is established. The training needs assessment process will identify the specific training required to perform a specific, desired task. Training needs must be identified, objectives written and appropriate curriculum developed which targets the specific needs of a job, unit or organization before one can truly say that they have a valid, costeffective training program. A needs assessment is, therefore, paramount to and the foundation of the training process. The purposes of a training needs assessment are to: 1) Provide a deliberate and orderly process for planning and developing training programs which ensure instructional needs and objectives are met; and 2) Assure that personnel are taught, in a cost— effective way, the knowledge, skills and abilities essential to successful task performance.