Measurement of Actinides and Strontium-90 in High-Activity Waste

Sherrod. L. Maxwell III - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Matthew R. Nelson - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
The reliable measurement of trace radionuclides in high activity waste is important to support waste processing activities at Savannah River Site (F-and H-Area Waste Tanks, Extended Sludge Processing and In-Tank precipitation processing). Separation techniques are needed to remove high levels of gamma activity and alpha/beta interferences prior to analytical measurement. Using new extraction chromatographic resins from EiChrom Industries, Inc., the SRS Central Laboratory has developed new high speed separation methods that enable measurement of neptunium, thorium, uranium, plutonium, americium, and strontium-90 in highactivity waste solutions. Small particle size resin and applied vacuum are used to reduce analysis times and enhance column performance. Extraction chromatographic resins are easy to use and eliminate the generation of contaminated liquid organic waste.