Recent Impreovements in Plutonium Gamma-ray Analysis Using MGA

Wayne Ruhter - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Ray Gunnink - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MGA is a gamma-ray spectrum analysis program for determining relative plutonium isotopic abundances. It can determine plutonium isotopic abundances better than 1% using a high-resolution, lowenergy, planar germanium detector and measurement times of ten minutes or less. We have recently made several improvements to MGA. First, we have modified MGA to allow determination of absolute plutonium isotopic abundances in solutions. With calibration of a detector using a known solution concentration in a well-defined sample geometry, plutonium solution concentrations can be determined. MGA can include analysis of a second spectrum of the high-energy (300-600 keV) plutonium gamma rays that significantly improves the determination of the Pu-241 to Pu- 239 ratio, particularly in high-bumup plutonium. We have expanded the analysis of the high-energy spectrum to include determination of fission product abundances relative to total plutonium. For the high-energy gamma-ray measurements we have devised a new hardware configuration, so that both the low- and high-energy gamma-ray detectors are mounted in a single cryostat thereby reducing weight and volume of the detector systems. We describe the detector configuration, and the performance of the MGA program for determining plutonium concentrations in solutions and fission product abundances.