A Pulse Generator for Testing Shift-Register Coincidence ElectronicsS

M. Krick - Los Alamos National Laboratory
S.C Bourret - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A. Romero - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A multi-function electronic pulser has been implemented as a nuclear instrument module for the checkout and debugging of neutron coincidence counter shift-register electronics. The pulser has five different outputs: random, correlated, periodic, burst, and a long-delay circuit check. The frequency for the random and periodic is selectable from frequency of 5 kHz and consists of pulse pairs produced randomly at a rate of 2.5 kHz. The second pulse of a pair follows the first with a probability proportional to exp(-t/t). The correlated pulser produces an exponential die-away after 0.5 µs following the first pulse of the pair. The burst pulser produces a fixed burst of 16 at a rate of 16 MHz; the burst rate is 100 Hz. The long delay is used to check the long delay of a shift-register. The long delay consists of pulse pairs seperated by 4096.5 µs produced at a rate of 100 Hz.