Functional Description of an Information Barrier to Protect Classified Information

Rena Whiteson - Los Alarnos National Laboratory
James K. Wolford, Jr - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Duncan MacArthur - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Acceptance of nuclear materials into a monitoring regime is complicated i the materials are in classified shapes or have classified composition. An \"information barrier\" can be employed to separate classified measurements and data from a btotally unclassified display. This information barrier must meet two criteria: 1) classified information cannt be released to the monitoring paty, and 2) the monitoring party must be convinced that the unclassified output accurately represents the classified input. We have developed a workable information barrier base on the concept of containing all classified informoation within an enclosed area. If all data leaving that area is closely monitored, the the actual workin of the system within the barrier requires less scrutiny. Although details of the measurement systems are dependent on the monitoring scenario, the information barrier (being independent of the measuring instruments) is very similar in all scenarios.