The Cooperation between Nuclear Material Control Center and Technology Center for Nuclear Control in the field of the Nuclear Material Control

Hiroyoshi Kurihara - Nuclear Material Control Center
Masahiro Kikuchi - Nuclear Material Control Center
Byung Koo KIM - TCNC
Ho Kwack - Safeguards Technology Division, TCNC
Technology Center for Nuclear Control (TCNC) of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC), as was suggested and agreed upon at the 4th annual Korea-Japan Nuclear Consultation Meeting in May of 1994 between Ministry of Science and Technology and Science and Technology Agency. The scope and contents of cooperation were described in the Arrangement agreed between TCNC and NMCC. Both sides have actively exchanged information through scientific visits and communication in the fields of safeguards information treatment, sample analysis and nondestructive assay technologies, and other matters as mutually interested. The annual review meeting has been held for revising and updating current cooperation activities alternatively at each organization. The results of cooperation so far was considered as very fruitful to both sides in the enhancement of technologies related to the nuclear material control in the both countries.