JRC Activities in the Framework of the Technical Co-operation with the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Safeguards

M. Cuypers - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
S. Guardini - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
Roland Schenkel - JRC
Lothar Koch - European Commission, Joint Research Centre
P. Debievre - General Directorate, Brussels
P. Frigola - General Directorate, Brussels
K. Mayer - ITU Karlsruhe
During 1995/96 the JRC has started to implement the general co-operation and assistance programme to Russi~ other Republics of CIS and PECO in the field of Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control (NMAC). This programme was presented to the Council in December 1994. The main projects include the establishment of the Russian Methodology and Training Center (RMTC) at Obninsk, the Metrological Laboratory for measurements of nuclear materials, the Safeguards Analytical Laboratory, the technical support to the implementation of NMAC at plant level. A project for the creation of a laboratory for the analysis of nuclear material of unknown origin is being prepared. Furthermore, a project has been started for the improvement, development and production of instrumentation for NMAC. These actions are performed in a joint effort with MINATOM and Gosatomnadzor and will be made mainly in the framework of the TACIS programme. Substantial progress has been made in the definition of the needs of the RMTC, in terms of training courses, instruments and reference materials. The first training course has taken place at the IPPE, Obninsk. Workpkms are being prepared for the establishment of a metrological laboratory, analytical laboratories and an instrument development programme. Activities are developing in support to NMAC at plant level, for instance, in the framework of ISTC. The progress made for the different projects are presented.