Some Aspects of international safeguards Data Management and Evaluation

Flavio Argentesi - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
This paper describes an International Safeguards Accountancy System as an integration of three basic subsystems. These subsystems are: 1) Accountancy Data Generation, 2) Data Management and 3) Data Evaluation. After a brief survey of the structure of the Accountancy Data Generation subsystem, the paper focuses on the Data Management subsystem. International Safeguards SNM Accountancy is characterized by large volumes of data and by a rather complex set of evaluation functions, e.g. MUF and MUF-variance. In the present papers definition, the Data Management subsystem includes: the information structure, the data structure, the data management technology (DBMS) and the application algorithms for the computation of the evaluation functions. The Data Evaluation subsystem is confined to the decision analysis only. An important project of the JRC's activity on Safeguards is the development of an International Safeguards Data Management system (ISADAM) within the framework of the Euratom Safeguards, i.e. the accountancy data generation is provided by the Euratom reporting system. This Data Management system, at present under testing on large volumes of data, is used to focus on the more relevant aspects of International Safeguards Data Management. In particular attention is given to the key role of DBMS technology in this area.