U.S. Cooperation With the Former Soviet Union in Establishing National Safeguards Systems

Ronald Cherry - U.S. Department of Energy
Kenneth E. Sanders - U.S. Department of Energy
George Kuzmycz - U.S. Department of Energy
Philip Ting - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission are leading U.S. efforts to establish bilateral technical assistance programs with states of the former Soviet Union in nuclear material safeguards and physical protection. These programs, which are being pursued under the nuclear weapons safety, security and dismantlement (SSD) initiative, are aimed at enhancing the national systems of nuclear material control and accounting (MC&A) and physical protection in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. In addition to these SSD-related efforts, programs may be undertaken with other newly independent states. The recipient countries will be aided in establishing national regulatory programs, in implementing information systems for materials accountability, and in enhancing MC&A and physical protection at selected facilities. Plans call for a multi-year effort in each country, beginning with the definition of requirements and continuing through system design, development and implementation, and technology transfer. Technical assistance, training, equipment, and other materials and services will be provided. Agreements for cooperation with Russia and Ukraine have been negotiated, but have not been signed. An agreement with Kazakhstan has also been drafted. To date, Belarus has not requested assistance and discussions with other newly independent states have yet to occur.