R.G. Bucher - Argonne National Laboratory
Paul J. Persiani - Argonne National Laboratory
A.B. Rothman - Argonne National Laboratory
B.K. Cha - Argonne National Laboratory
The Systems Analysis for Material Control and Accountancy Technology (SAMCAT) [1-4] is an interactive computer-based management system developed for the Department of Energy Office of Safeguards and Security, to assist in defining and prioritizing measurement upgrades programs for Material Control and Accountancy (MC&A). The SAMCAT system provides four functions: (1) materials accountancy database and analysis algorithms for evaluating the propagated variance in the inventory difference via user-definable material balance areas and user-selectable accountancy upgrades options; (2) quantification of the contributions of achievable upgrades to increase the capability of the Material Accountancy (MA) System for meeting, in part, the performance requirements of DOE Order 5633.3; (3) identification of key measurement locations and/or material types for MC&A upgrades to provide support for achieving DOE performance requirements and for validating the MA aspects of Master Safeguards and Security Agreements effectiveness; and (4) information on facility operations, processing technology, and material flows via a menu-oriented selection scheme that allows investigation at increasing depths of detail using integrated textual information sheets and graphic flow diagrams. The accountancy upgrades options evaluated by SAMCAT in this study are: (1) improvement of the uncertainties in the SNM measurement methods, (2) reduction of throughputs and/or inventories of SNM, and (3) reduction of the material balance accounting period. The goals of the MC&A upgrades program are reduced inventory differences and associated uncertainties, improved detection probabilities for theft/diversion, decreased operating costs, and enhanced material traceability.